Vision Within a Dream, Jonathan Welton

Last night I had what feels like a vision within a dream. Jonathan Welton was talking to me about seeing in the spirit. He was describing something from his point of view as becoming "all rosy." In my mind i visualized the process of seeing with eyes closed as looking black, then becoming rosy and more clear before being crystal clear.

Jon then looked at me and said, "I don't think it's going to be long for you, Sarah. It's coming real soon."

I excitedly told him, "I know! I really believe that." Then proceeded to inform him that the last 4 prophetic words I'd received have carried the same message, "There was waterfall, waterfall, and then roller coaster, roller coaster."

In this specific vision within my dream, I did not take it as literally representing Jon himself. To me personally, it felt like it was God encouraging me directly as a friend I'm close to; someone who's opinion and input I would openly respect and receive in that area.

I didn't wake up immediately following this, however it was crystal clear in my memory in the morning and was reminded of it several times throughout the day.

Personal Prophetic Word from Cheryl Storey: Roller-coaster

"Sarah Jean Cobb,  I have no idea why I am seeing a roller-coaster? I'm sure it will come as I keep writing. Lol. 

I believe that things are moving fast and while you have ups and downs and lean in as you go around corners, you are safe and secure in this seat as the Lord is sitting right there next to you. 

He is taking you places you've never gone before and there will be more and more. You know how a roller-coaster goes slowly up hill, like it is chugging to get to the top? Sometimes life feels that way, that we are working so hard just to get there. But then what happens when we hit a peek...? Wheeeeeee!!! It is as easy and free with no effort.

I believe the Lord is saying that you are ready for a Wheeeeeee! I  can't wait to hear about it. <3"