Prophetic Words from Ivan Roman’s Mentorship Group on 03.28.18

Prophetic Words from Ivan Roman’s
Mentorship Group on 03.28.18

“Loving, kind. More fun in your life. Increased ability to enjoy relaxing with friends and enjoy being in the moment. There is something about fun in this season that is going to bring you much joy. Needed rest. Also, more fun in the presence of God and new experiences. I see an increase of joy and freedom in your walk with God. I saw you dancing, having fun.” - Elena Goodearl

“You carry a sweet perfume for God in the spirit.  I just see writing creatively to God and there are things for you to write.” -Kim Flint

“You are someone that people are drawn to. I keep hearing child-like. You have a very child-likeness about you that is so refreshing to people around you. Joy overflows out of you. You have a purity about you. You genuinely care about people because you always see past the surface and pull the deep out of them. When people are around you, it’s like they just want to pour their hearts out to you, because there’s no judgement in you.” - Kelli Firth

“You are filled with Joy! It’s contagious. I feel that you know Gods goodness and His faithfulness. You dwell on what He’s done in your life. He loves that about you. You keep your eyes on Him. I see this dream you have - it could be related to writing but I’m not sure of that – and it’s like a pot of tea. You’ve put the leaves in the pot, boiled with water and put that in and let it steep. God’s saying it’s steeped long enough, it’s time to pour it out of the pot so that you and others can enjoy it. I feel He’s saying you’ve been patient with this dream but now is the time to walk into it.” -Katie Watkins

“As I was praying for you I found myself saying, “Bubble up with joy - you bubble up and over with joy.” It’s who you are. That also means that sometimes when it’s hard it wears on your sweet spirit. You are so sensitive to the Holy Spirit that things like mean people hurt your heart. You are made in the image of the Comforter. You carry His mothering character. I heard the Lord say there are angels on assignment for you. I asked what they were doing and He said they are positioning for releasing. His delight is in you. He’s put things that delights Him inside of you .. and those things are about to just pour out. There are things in your life that you wish were different … like job related things … and He wants you to know He is teaching you things in this season that will be necessary to be like riding a bike for the next one.” - Jill Monaco