Prophetic Word from Louise Lopez’s Mentorship Group on 05.25.18
(by Christina Correll)
I was awakened in the middle of the night to the sound of a train. At first I was scared and then quickly calmed down when I realized there wasn’t a train in my room.
I asked the Lord what it meant and I believe He said: That a season of fast track is upon you or coming soon. The speed of acceleration is both exciting and makes you nervous. He is about to accelerate you at a radical speed. He doesn’t want you to be nervous for inside that freight train is a beautiful cabin full of things you need to rest and find His presence. That even in times you are resting you are still right on track and you’re not going to miss any stops. You have worked hard shoveling the coal into the furnace to gain speed but now He says enter a time of resting in His presence and He will fuel the train.
Train can mean;
Ministry with clout Acts 5:12
Long continuous ministry Acts 2:42
Vehicle to destiny Jer 29;11
Nothing gets in its way 1 King 19