Title: Angels by My Side: Stories and Glimpses of These Heavenly Helpers
Author: Betty Malz
Book Information:
Publisher: Chosen Books, a
division of Baker Publishing Group (2013)
128 pages
How did I get this book: A
complimentary review copy was provided to me by Chosen Books, a division of Baker
Publishing Group. I was not required to write a
positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this
in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.
Review: Betty Malz dedicated
this book to bring hope to the helpless and to offer help to the fearful, and
she did so beautifully, as this is one of those books that permanently
increases your faith.
wonderful book is filled with many stories and personal accounts of the
experiences that others have had with angels, including Betty herself. It is
also packed full of Bible verses, encouragement, and answers many questions
about the topic that the reader may have as well as practical application in
Biblical context.
found ‘Angels by My Side: Stories and Glimpses of These Heavenly Helpers’ to be
a quick page-turner, but it was also one of those books that I just couldn't keep to myself. I brought it up in conversation, shared stories from it, and
strongly recommend it to anyone who may have an interest in Angels in general
or any of the following: When
Angels Come, Protecting
Angels, Rescuing
Angels, Angels
and Intercession, Messenger
Angels, Angels
and Temptation.
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