Prayer Journal for Saturday, July 6th, 2013

God, I'm tired, a little frustrated, and I feel like I'm going through a trial that I don't have to go through, but I don't know how to get out of it. I know that you teach us to pray that we won't enter into testing, temptations, and trials. So I pray that I won't enter into it again, and that You will either get me out of it, or show me what I need to do, and how to proceed.

If the children of Israel were under the covenant of grace, why were they allowed to go into bondage? Was it because you always want men to depend on you? God, I am in a place where I know I can't handle this and I am helpless to do anything on my own. I announce my complete and total dependence on You. 

Sometimes we can be under oppression and not even cry out and we can try to be strong and think we can handle it. I know that a groan can reach the throne, so I cry out to You, "Abba, Father! Help me!" You are the Living God, the LORD of all Lords, the King of kings. For You, anything is possible. I have chosen whom I will serve, and I serve You.  

I want there to be light in my dwellings. Thank you for making a new covenant with us. Thank You that You are merciful. Thank You that You are not forgetful, but because of Your holiness, you can judicially forget our sins. Thank you for not remembering my sins anymore. Thank you for removing all of them through Jesus.

Just because You allow what man allows, doesn't make it Your will.  I want Your will in my life. If I need to move, then I will and if I need to wait, then I will. Please show me what You want me to do and speak to me clearly. I desperately need You and your help and depend on You, Abba. Thank You in advance.

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