Summarize the content of the book in your own words:
Jesus “healed them all,” and did so with 100% success rate every single time. When people don’t stay healed, it is because they got a breakthrough, but did not address the root cause, so like picking fruit off of a tree without removing the root, it returned. As someone ministering healing to others, you can expect to see predictable, repeatable results, if both you and the other person are willing to do whatever it takes. In each case, Jesus had a rhema word and only said what He heard the Father say. Jesus could have dies a painless death in order to give us eternal life, but instead, He chose to be wounded, so that we could be healed. When Jesus left this realm at His death, everything that He took to the cross with Him, lost its power in this realm as well; so whatever had power over me is now in submission to Him and under His power and authority. Jesus bore our sickness the same way that He bore our sins; He took our sickness and pain to the same extent as those sins. The same things that can block our healing before we get healed are also the same things that blocked our salvation before we got saved. They can be put into four categories: ignorance, unbelief, spiritual interference, and rejection. Since Jesus already took my pain, there is no reason for me to carry it; both of us do not need to have it. As children of God who are born again, we have the right to be healed, because it was purchased in the same package as our salvation. Many times when Jesus “healed” a person, He was also casting a demon out of them. He took the infirmities and sicknesses of the very people that He also dies to save. It is evident which works Jesus considered to be from the enemy when you look at what He deliberately destroyed. There is a connection between both sin and sickness just as there is between salvation and healing. The Holy Spirit works at continuing to make life in our mortal bodies because that is the Father’s will. The Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit have all done their parts when it comes to our healing, so we need to make sure that we are willing to do ours if we really want to receive it. Regarding faith, it is the job of the person ministering to have enough of it for both parties. Anything that you let into your soul, manifests itself in your body eventually. Not everyone wants to be healed and made whole; it is important to make sure that the person whom you are ministering to does. Using faith will not yield a lasting result no matter how much of it you have, if the blockage preventing the healing is not first removed. According to the Bible, three ways to increase your faith include: prayer and fasting, praying in the Spirit, as well as getting a rhema word. Having faith is not enough, it must be utilized. There is a difference between facts (what God has already done) as well as promises (what God is going to do), and it is important that when petitioning Him with our requests, we recognize the difference between the two, as it makes no sense to ask God to do something that He has already done. We are only required to enforce what God has already done. We do not need to pray to ask God to heal since He already has, and it is His will that all be healed; instead, we are to command the healing that Jesus purchased for us, and thank God for providing it to us. Regarding recovery, we are not guaranteed miracles (which are instant), but we are guaranteed healing (which is a process). The words that we speak have power, frame our lives, and need to be chosen carefully. Complaints and whining attract the enemy the same way that the sound of a wounded rabbit attracts coyotes. Once whatever is blocking our healing gets removed, our bodies can and will respond to faith-filled words of health and healing. Just as the power of life and death is in the tongue, our victories can be found in our mouths, so we should not allow the enemy to fill it with his plans, but intentionally remove the “mixture” and choose to speak God’s will, plan, purposes, and words over our lives. A prayer of faith is as simple as thanking God for what He has done and is doing. If kept up continually, (and used with faith after all blockages are removed), this declaration of faith and gratitude in God’s ability and goodness will bring about the change(s) that you desire to see. Using anointing oil on another person is marking them with the symbol of God, since our God has a specific formula and has commanded that it not be utilized for another purpose. Anything that you permit to rule your soul will eventually rule your body. What we speak into our lives will eventually come to pass. God wants everyone to be healed and is not the author, source, or responsible party of sickness and disease; He brings life and life abundantly. Sickness is punishment and a part of the Old Testament system of blessings and curses. When you deal with the soul, the body can then recover. God uses natural remedies, can use doctors, or anything else that He wants to in order to heal us. Since He is not the author of it, it is easy to also understand that He does not send sickness to us for the purpose of teaching us something, although He does have the ability to turn around and use anything and everything for our good. There is no scripture in the Bible that shows a single instance where God says that He actually put sickness and disease onto a person in order to teach them a lesson. The Holy Spirit is our teacher; spiritual leaders and pastors should also teach us. Biblical interpretations either bring theological harmony or disharmony, interpretations are easily distinguishable as invalid when they do the later. Kings do not stay home when God says it is a season for war; they became kings by conquering a thing, which is why they now have authority over it. The enemy is only able to create bondage in our soul when we extend to him our own cooperation and agreement; believing his lies gives him power over us in an area and causes what we have allowed into our souls to eventually manifest within our bodies. All of us come into the kingdom with baggage, what is important is that we replace lies with truth, and negative experiences with positive ones. Faith is what justifies us, but our sanctification comes to us by the life long process of renewing our minds and cleaning out our souls. When ministering to a person, it is important to watch for clues in their speech as well as to pray and ask the LORD about what it is that is operating in each situation. Always assume that when you head God say something, that He knows what He is talking about; even if the person denies it, when you hear a word of knowledge about a person from God, always assume that it is correct. Everything done in the darkness comes into the light eventually. A simple way to determine the root cause of bondage in a person, whether mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual, is to ask the question, “What is blocking God’s glory in this person?” After God reveals where His glory is being blocked, break the agreement and kick the spirit out. There is the potential for a wound to occur in an individual’s life every time they experience a strong emotional event. For each moment that we face, we can choose either to accept the grace of God, or a lie from the enemy. A person takes a lie by speaking words or acting in a way that agrees with it; it is that agreement that gives the enemy the use of our power. Based on the above, it is understandable that if a person is prayed over with a prayer of faith and does not recover, or recovers but then regresses, then there is a spiritual blockage still present that needs to be addressed and removed. It is not possible to separate or choose between the healing ministry and the deliverance ministry, as we see from the healings and deliverances modeled for us by Jesus, that these two things are often intertwined and go hand in hand, he lumped both of them together. Jesus’ idea of healing was getting rid of the enemy’s power over that individual in whatever way they may be effected, so that God’s glory can flow unhindered through that person. The problem is not getting free as much as it is staying that way; this is why we see that Jesus did not offer deliverance/healing to unbelievers. You do not need to know the exact name of a demon in order to cast it out, because you have the name of Jesus, which is mightier; simply describing it’s behavior, even when you do not know the name, still allows you to cast it out. The simplest way to sum up the deliverance can be done in three steps: repent, renounce, & cast out. Declaring the remittance of sins is a powerful deliverance tool; words must be spoken with authority and confidence conveying a strong knowledge that you know they have to leave. It is still possible to cast a demon out without repentance and renouncement, but the work is much more difficult and can become messy; it is better to encourage an individual to do both, as this causes them to take ownership of their own deliverance. Each and every single time, Jesus did healing by the rhema word. The entire healing process model from start to finish is encompassed within these five steps: 1) Expect to be the one with the faith, 2) Get a rhema word of knowledge about what is blocking the healing or the root cause of the sickness, 3) Remove those spiritual blockages through the deliverance process of Repent, Renounce, & Cast Out, 4) Command the body accordingly, & 5) Thank the LORD! We are to use the power of the Holy Spirit to impose the will of God on the earth. Using the phrase, “In the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit..” reminds the people involved as well as notifying any spirits involved that we are not relying on our own ability to be righteous in the issue being addressed, but on the righteousness of Jesus. Jesus told us to speak to mountains in faith; not ask God to do it for us. A healing session is never over until thanks has been given to God; we are to do this in the middle of things and in spite of the problem; this demonstrates faith in God’s ability. Daniel showed us that we cannot be “chewed on” by lions while we are in the midst of giving God praise and expressing our gratitude. Being grateful and giving thanks is also a form of watching over what you have; as previously mentioned above, whining, complaining, and doing the opposite attracts the demonic. The canopy of thanksgiving is a defensive weapon as well as a protective weapon. We may not have the ability to undo or remove negative things that we have experienced or thought, but since we overcome evil with good, we do have the power to replace them with positive ones. When we believe that we have what has been promised to us, there is nothing else remaining but to give thanks for it; you are not expected to thank God for everything, but you are expected to thank Him in spite of it; doing so imparts grace into whatever situation that you may be facing.
What was new, stretching or revelatory to you personally?
As evidenced by my two thousand plus word summary above, I received a lot of revelation, knowledge, and spiritual growth as a result of reading this book. The biggest thing that was stretching to me was learning that Jesus paid for my healing. Prior to reading this book, I believed that the verse, “by his stripes we are healed,” was figurative and referred to a spiritual wholeness and healing that occurred as a result of Jesus taking my sin. It took a lot of careful explanation, numerous Biblical expounding, and a gentle unfolding of the Greek word by word, in order to show me clearly and beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus did in fact choose to purchase my healing as well. Cheryl carefully handled each of my objections in both the Old and New Testaments as well as citing the circumstances of Job and Paul’s thorn in the flesh in a knowledgeable yet loving way that was both thorough, easy for me to understand, and ultimately after much time, thought and prayer, satisfactory.
As evidenced by my two thousand plus word summary above, I received a lot of revelation, knowledge, and spiritual growth as a result of reading this book. The biggest thing that was stretching to me was learning that Jesus paid for my healing. Prior to reading this book, I believed that the verse, “by his stripes we are healed,” was figurative and referred to a spiritual wholeness and healing that occurred as a result of Jesus taking my sin. It took a lot of careful explanation, numerous Biblical expounding, and a gentle unfolding of the Greek word by word, in order to show me clearly and beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus did in fact choose to purchase my healing as well. Cheryl carefully handled each of my objections in both the Old and New Testaments as well as citing the circumstances of Job and Paul’s thorn in the flesh in a knowledgeable yet loving way that was both thorough, easy for me to understand, and ultimately after much time, thought and prayer, satisfactory.
There were many revelatory things contained within this book, and I actually filled up extensive pages in my prayer journal over the past month with each exciting insight. Heal Them All took me quite a bit of time to get through because of the richness it contains as well as the amount of time I needed to think about, pray about, and let the ideas inside “marinate.”
Specifically, the topic of complaining within the subject on the power of words impacted me a lot. I did know that words have power and that complaining is bad and should be avoided. This book confirmed that in a very real way to me through the example about how a coyote call is not the sound of another coyote, but actually the sound of a wounded rabbit. This visual image when coupled with the teaching on how thankfulness attracts the attention of heaven while complaining attracts the demonic, really clicked for me and became something that I am not soon to forget.
How does this impact your life or thinking?
Heal Them All has given me many things to think about, some of which are still settling as I think upon, pray about, and sort through them. In addition to reinforcing my stance on choosing my words carefully, trying to get the “mixture” out of my mouth, and avoiding complaining, this book had a lot of wonderful things to say about the topic of gratitude and thanksgiving that I found to be both helpful as well as encouraging. This book has increased my faith, my understanding, as well as simplified the topic of healing and deliverance for me, which initially appeared to be complex to me in an overwhelming way. I now feel better equipped to handle these situations in the future, and actually look forward to doing so instead of feeling ill prepared.
Heal Them All has given me many things to think about, some of which are still settling as I think upon, pray about, and sort through them. In addition to reinforcing my stance on choosing my words carefully, trying to get the “mixture” out of my mouth, and avoiding complaining, this book had a lot of wonderful things to say about the topic of gratitude and thanksgiving that I found to be both helpful as well as encouraging. This book has increased my faith, my understanding, as well as simplified the topic of healing and deliverance for me, which initially appeared to be complex to me in an overwhelming way. I now feel better equipped to handle these situations in the future, and actually look forward to doing so instead of feeling ill prepared.
In fact, while writing this report, I felt lead to summarize what I got out of this book to my husband. I didn’t realize it at the time, but God was giving me a practice round to articulate, because the moment that I finished getting all of my thoughts out and went in the back room, someone messaged me on Facebook, asking me multiple questions that the book had actually just answered for me.
I had asked God earlier this week and also today to help me with this book report and He really has by way of giving me a practical experience while I was working to explain my thoughts about what I read. It really feels like the moment we’re trained, He brings us opportunities right away where we can be used by Him to love and encourage others, and I am so grateful for His faithfulness, especially in that area.
Another way of showing how much this book has truly impacted my life as well as my thinking, is that I am sending my copy of this book to my aunt, who has Fibromyalgia. I believe that this book will help her tremendously, and I am excited to see God heal her, my friend mentioned above, and many others, just like He has me!
What did you disagree with in this book? Give a clear and defended position as to why you disagree. Cheryl touched on generational curses within this book. Jesus became a curse for me, so I do not need to live my life by the Old Testament system of blessings and curses. That teaching also conflicts with what Welton Academy Supernatural Bible School has taught me, which is that it is the lie that you believe which puts you into bondage; just as it is the truth you believe which sets you free. Other than that, I eventually ended up agreeing with most of the content presented within this work eventually, although not at first. Overall, I found that it contained and is in line with the Scripture that is clearly stated within the Bible.
[This book review has also been posted on, as well as Goodreads.]
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