I appreciate your kindness in even sending this. I just want you to know how much I appreciate you and all of your amazing work over the years I've attended. Please know you're in my prayers and I wish you the very best and am praying for doors of opportunity to open for an amazing future for you. My prayers are for the healing and restoration of every person who worked and helped with the school.
If you would like it here's a little prophetic encouragement:
I feel like you have been trustworthy, (even when others have not), and your diligence and character will not go unrewarded. I feel to tell you the Father has seen and noticed your heart and the love and excellence in which you serve and He will be your rewarder. He will keep you in the safe shelter of His embrace and His heart. Though I see it's a bright day around you, I see shadows passing over the Father's wings which enfold you so that the shadows will not touch you. They will only pass over you and will not cause you to be in fear or bring you harm.
As the cloud causing the shadow passes you will again see and confidently walk out into the brightness of the sunshine of God's goodness and Presence. There is a quiet confidence in you and I feel there are dreams in your spirit that God wants to connect with income in the future. It's almost as if a dream and it's matching occupation connect to each other. It see this pink kind of line/cord coming out of your spirit that is waiting to connect to a dream. I don't know if that color means anything to you, but I feel it can connect to something you would really enjoy.
Blessings and the Father's honor to you Sarah,
Danielle Adams
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