1 Kings: An EP Study Commentary by John A. Davies

Title: 1 Kings: An EP Study Commentary

Author: John A. Davies 

How did I get this book: A complimentary review copy was provided to me by Cross Focused Reviews (A Service of Cross Focused Media, LLC). I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.

Review: First of all, I wanted to say that I really like the fact that the sales of this book help promote missionary work. It's great when you can feed your passion for discovering the LORD on a deeper level, enjoy a great book that not only increases your knowledge and understanding, but also helps you to grow more spiritually, and to have the satisfaction of knowing that in doing so, you are simultaneously sowing into the edification of others.  

While there are an abundance of positives to this book and elements that I enjoyed tremendously, there is one phrase in the material that I felt I could not overlook or exclude from my review, and I want to get it out of the way before going further into the rest of what this incredible commentary has to offer.

In 1 Kings: An EP Study Commentary, John A. Davies does say that Jesus is David's son. While this is not entirely inaccurate as far as scripture goes, and I do understand that the author was referring to Jesus coming from the lineage of David, I am concerned that this statement could be misunderstood by some readers. 

Obviously, if you are serious enough about the Bible to read a commentary on the books within, you probably know the book well enough to have discernment as well as a clear vision of where you stand theologically. Anyone reading this would probably already know that Jesus is God's Son, and that He came from the lineage of David, and also understand what John A. Davies means when he says that Jesus is David's Son. I just wanted to put that out there. 

In addition to taking the inquiries of the reader and stimulating them, this amazing book takes a wonderful story told in a unique way, and expounds upon its contents with concise and insightful detail. All of the chapters in this book correspond to the chapters in 1 Kings, making it easy to navigate.  

As far as a commentary goes, this book is absolutely extraordinary. It is very evident that it took years to perfect this masterpiece on 1 Kings, and as a reader, this work makes you feel privileged to enjoy something so beautiful and precious.

If you have any interest at all in 1 Kings, or commentaries, this is the book for you. It is truly the best one I have read to date by far. Better hurry, Amazon only has 2 left in stock!

This review has also been posted on Amazon.

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Wrecked: When a Broken World Slams into Your Comfortable Life by Jeff Goins

Title: Wrecked: When a Broken World Slams into Your Comfortable Life

Author: Jeff Goins 

How did I get this book: A complimentary review copy was provided to me by Cross Focused Reviews (A Service of Cross Focused Media, LLC). I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.

Review: Wrecked is a great audio book for our generation. Yes, you read that correctly, I did just say, 'audio book.' It is easier sometimes to fit an audio book into life. In this digital age, when I have to put down my book and drive somewhere, I no longer have to settle for music. I can stream or play a book over my car stereo or even from an app on my smart phone.

Wrecked is read by its author, Jeff Goins, and speaks to the audience about more. Have you ever thought there was more to life, or wondered what your purpose might be? This book is for you.

It addresses selfless service, speaking to the life we think about living but for whatever reason, have settled for less. You can be fulfilled, you can find purpose in the middle of pain, and the answer to the thing that you think is lacking, might surprise you.

What if you could live in the "tension between the next adventure and the daily mundane?" This challenge spoke to me. I know I only get one time around on this planet before I get the privilege to show Jesus what I did with what He gave me.  

So when I think about what He gave me, and what He did with His life, giving it away, it is that itself that sets the true example. 

If you are unhappy or not satisfied, try getting yourself off of your mind, reach out, and help someone. Live life to give it away, love intentionally, and you will find something you didn't have before.

I would summarize this work as the guidebook to rising above, chasing the adventure, living the dream, and loving hard through service. It is one of those special books that after you listen to it, you are never the same.

Get your copy now at ChristianAudio.com, where a copy of this review has also been posted.

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Organic Outreach For Families by Kevin G. Harney & Sherry Harney

Title: Organic Outreach For Families

Authors: Kevin G. Harney & Sherry Harney 

How did I get this book: A complimentary review copy was provided to me by Cross Focused Reviews (A Service of Cross Focused Media, LLC). I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.

 Review: This book changed my life! Once I started thinking of my home like a lighthouse, I started seeing my family and my neighbors as my mission field. It makes sense that the home is the ideal setting to show love to and reach people for Jesus.

This book was so incredibly wonderful in many ways. It made me laugh, it made me cry, and it gave me vision. 

When my husband and I bought our first home, we didn't exactly feel welcomed by our new neighborhood. Instead of trying to figure out why they kept to themselves and didn't bother getting to know us, and being bothered by it, like I had for most of the year, this book gave me more perspective.

It caused me to desire to be more proactive in loving them intentionally. When I was done with this book, instead of wishing someone would reach out to us and wondering why they hadn't, I went on a mission. It was the week of Thanksgiving, so I wrote letters telling each neighbor how thankful I was for them, what an answer they were to prayer, how we enjoyed this new quiet neighborhood, etc. I then baked cookies, and delivered both to my surrounding neighbors to the left, the right, and even a few houses across the street. 

Now when outside, there is waving, mutual greetings, and they have initiated conversations with us, etc. I am fully convinced that after reading this, you will love harder, have a rekindled passion, and your life will be enriched. 

Get Organic Outreach For Families by Kevin G. Harney & Sherry Harney as soon as you possibly can! (You'll be glad you did.)


“Thank you Kevin and Sherry for crafting a blueprint that will make homes shine brightly on the inside as well as the outside. This book serves as a practical guide for parents to reach people they love and care for on their streets and under their own roofs.”
-David Staal, President of KIDS HOPE USA and author of Lessons Kids Need to Learn

“The home, connected to the local church, is the ideal setting for reaching out to friends and neighbors with the love of Christ. The Harneys offer a solid recipe for Organic Outreach that will help every member of the family—parents and kids alike—participate in the awesome work of advancing Christ’s Kingdom on earth.”
-Jim Daly, President – Focus on the Family
This review has also been posted on Amazon.

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Christmas Uncut by Carl Laferton

Title: Christmas Uncut

Author: Carl Laferton 

How did I get this book: A complimentary review copy was provided to me by Cross Focused Reviews (A Service of Cross Focused Media, LLC). I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.

Review: I have heard many points of view on Christmas, from "Jesus is the reason for the season," to "Christmas is from Paganism," and everything in between. Although I don't usually get excited about reading another book about Christmas, this new book by Carl Laferton, 'Christmas Uncut' sparked my interest with the second word in the title. By saying, 'Uncut,' I felt like it was implied that I would get a little something extra.

My expectations to receive something extra were exceeded. This book took a pleasantly unexpected turn by telling the birth of Jesus along with all of the exciting events, without leaving out the details that have been cut for the traditional nativity play. It is packed with humor, and was very enjoyable. 

It is with a smile that I recommend it, fully expecting that it will continue to pass on entertainment, inspiration, and humor. 
"An accessible, faithful guide to the actual Christmas story. Let this book help you get to grips with the reality and purpose of Christmas, and introduce you to the person who is at the center of it all.
-Trevin Wax, author of Counterfeit Gospels and Holy Subversion, Gospel Coalition blogger and Managing Editor of The Gospel Project.

This is a great book for people who think they know the Christmas story, and for those who know that they don’t. It’s both creative and historical, simple and insightful, fresh and faithful. It’s a great book, and I hope it is widely read and used.
-Kevin DeYoung, Pastor, University Reformed Church, East Lansing MI

“A humorous, piercing and above all truthful book that challenges our preconceptions of Christmas. Carl writes with wit and a real grasp of modern minds to show us that Jesus can’t stay in the manger.
-Rico Tice, Assistant Minister, All Souls Langham Place, founder of Christianity Explored Ministries

Book Trailer: Here.

Christmas Uncut: A Conversation with Carl Laferton about Evangelism

Christmas Uncut is available at the following places:

This review has also been posted on www.Amazon.com.

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Christ and the Desert Tabernacle by J.V. Fesko

Title: Christ and the Desert Tabernacle

Author: J.V. Fesko

How did I get this book: A complimentary review copy was provided to me by Cross Focused Reviews (A Service of Cross Focused Media, LLC). I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.

Why did I read this book: Just the concept of this book, the significance of the temple and tabernacle for Christians, seemed both beautiful and intriguing for me. If there was something valuable to be found here, that I didn't already have or know about, I didn't want to be left out. 

Review: Honestly, the sentence on the front cover, 'A volume that is sure to promote greater understanding, admiration, and service,' sums up this book pretty accurately. Fesko did an absolutely phenomenal job of communicating the clear principals of the Bible in a way that also transfers his excitement and enthusiasm as well as expands the knowledge and understanding of the reader.   

Before reading this wonderful book, I had no idea how many references, allusions, similarities, and foreshadowings there really were between Jesus Christ and the church, and how they both relate to the tabernacle of the Old Testament, and also the temple that came later in the day of King Solomon.

Christ and the Desert Tabernacle may only have 132 pages, but I assure you that every one of them is rich and full of meaning. I will definitely read it more than once, and expect to get more out of it each time around.    

There are parts of the Bible that although I do not skip them when reading through it each year, I do find boring. I sincerely appreciate Christ and the Desert Tabernacle because after going through it, some of the areas that had seemed 'dry' to me in the past, have now been watered with a passionate rain of greater understanding, allowing the seeds of significance that were already planted there to bloom, producing a bountiful harvest. I now know that when I revisit them, instead of being bored, I will be able to remember the ways that they tie in to Jesus, and admire His marvelous sacrifice and beautiful love.

I recommend this work by J.V. Fesko, and expect it to bless your life even more than it has my own.
Notable Quotes/Parts:"I hope to be able to show readers, young and old alike, that far from being boring or uninteresting, the Old Testament tabernacle, and later the temple in Solomon's day, is a shadowy picture of Christ and the church. True, people are perhaps easily able to draw the connections between Jesus and the sacrificial animals, as Jesus is identified as the one and only true sacrifice who takes away our sins (e.g., Heb. 8-10; 1 John 2:2); but beyond these obvious connections, the Old Testament tabernacle is literally an entire world of references, allusions and foreshadows of Christ and the church. One need not go very far to uncover the connections between Jesus and the Old Testament tabernacle -- the New Testament reveals them to us. If you read about the Old Testament tabernacle in the light of the New Testament, you will never think the descriptions of the tabernacle and its furnishings are boring. Instead, you will be filled with hope and assurance, knowing that Jesus Christ, the true tabernacle, has come to redeem his people, living stones, and unite us to him, the one true foundation, so that we would become the eternal temple of the living God." (p. 12)

Reading Next: Organic Outreach For Families by Kevin & Sherry Harney

About the Author: “Dr. Fesko is a minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. He was ordained as a church planter in 1998 and was installed as a pastor in 2003, thus serving in pastoral ministry for over ten years. He has also taught systematic theology for Reformed Theological Seminary for over ten years as a part-time professor. He has served on two committees appointed by the General Assembly of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. His present research interests include the integration of biblical and systematic theology, soteriology, ecclesiology, and sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Reformed theology." - Westminster Seminary California Website

This review has also been posted on the following sites:
www.Amazon.com, www.BarnesandNoble.com, www.GoodReads.com. 

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