The Sin of Forgiveness by Edward F. Mrkvicka, Jr.

Title: The Sin of Forgiveness
Author: Edward F. Mrkvicka, Jr.

Book Information:
·     Publisher: CrossLink Publishing (2013)
·     ISBN:  9781936746354
·     Page Count: 168

How did I get this book: 
A complimentary review copy was provided to me by Cross Focused Reviews (A Service of Cross Focused Media, LLC). I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.

Book in a Nutshell: 
Today’s “forgiveness” does just the opposite of what forgiveness is meant to accomplish put another way, secular forgiveness causes more harm than good. The one forgiving is never made whole again, while the sinner is left in the same wretched condition. But true Christian forgiveness  brings a blessing to all. We are to forgive, but it must be according to the example and teachings of Christ. Anything less is a sin.”

The Sin of Forgiveness by Edward F. Mrkvicka, Jr. explains what Godly forgiveness is and what it is not. It exposes Satan’s deceptions regarding the topic of forgiveness and backs every single point made up with an abundance of scripture. 

This book intrigued me by the title, as I first thought it to be an oxymoron. However, upon further explanation, the author’s point is valid and I see this work as a necessity.

It is quite disturbing to realize that regarding the topic of forgiveness, we have almost seamlessly transitioned from God’s original Biblical intent to Satan’s widely accepted counterfeit, producing the opposite outcome for both parties involved.

Forgiveness was indented as: “a healing process to whereby both can spiritually become whole again,” through regaining what was lost to sin for the granter of absolution, “while the sinner regains a rebirth ultimately seeking righteousness.” This benefits both the victim as well as the perpetrator with a clean slate.

The ‘Sin of Forgiveness’ or secular forgiveness that we have exchanged the above for, results in both parties being left with nothing. “One is denied rightful restitution and assurance the sin against them will not be repeated, while the other is left in the same wretched sinful condition as before.”

In ‘The Sin of Forgiveness,’ Edward F. Mrkvicka, Jr. clearly explains our current-day dilemma by exploring the following (taken from the Contents): ‘The Importance of Context’, ‘The “Why” of the Lies about Forgiveness’, ‘”I’m Sorry” Is Not Good Enough’, and ‘Unconditional Forgiveness is a Lose/Lose’.

Then, he brilliantly puts everything in the context of Jesus and the example that He set for us in ‘Our Savior Tells Us If, When, and How to Forgive’. 
Not to disappoint, there is also a powerful ‘Conclusion’, ‘Questions & Answers’ section, even a way to contact Edward F. Mrkvicka, Jr., as well as other books he has written.  

Forgiveness is a topic that we will all deal with numerous times over the course of our lives. It is paramount that we know where we stand, and how to proceed according to the example of Christ as well as what the Word of God teaches. Is your forgiveness “justly helping that person or giving them license for continued rebellion against God”? This book will help you to determine all of the above.

“Forgiveness is at the very heart of Christian faith, so it is little wonder that Satan has spent so much time and effort distorting the exact essence of its meaning. His goal of replacing divine forgiveness with secular humanism has come to pass, as most of us now, on the subject of forgiveness, believe his lies instead of God’s truth.”

“As usual, Satan’s lies come wrapped in but a small portion of God’s truth. Secular practitioners also tell us that forgiveness is something we must do for our own mental wellbeing, as failure to forgive becomes a destructive emotional cancer. And therein lays a spiritual red warning flag, as God seeks sacrifice for one another. Only Satan seeks the best for self.”

The issue of forgiveness is that serious. Done right, it is a witness for the One we worship. Done wrong, it can help Satan make us a partaker of another’s sin.”

About the Author:
Edward Mrkvicka is a lay minister and counselor, and life-long Bible student. His religious writings have been awarded Best Christian Book of the Year, Best Christian Study of the Year, named a National Best Book Awards finalist, and a winner in the Christian Choice Book Awards. He has also been awarded the prestigious Faith Writers Seal of Approval.
His efforts on behalf of families, understanding adultery, and the devastating effect of divorce on children have earned him a United States Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition.

 This review has also been posted on Amazon and Goodreads.

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Angels by My Side: Stories and Glimpses of These Heavenly Helpers by Betty Malz

Title: Angels by My Side: Stories and Glimpses of These Heavenly Helpers
Author: Betty Malz

Book Information:
Publisher: Chosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group (2013)
ISBN 080079561X (ISBN13: 9780800795610)
Paperback, 128 pages

How did I get this book: A complimentary review copy was provided to me by Chosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.

Review: Betty Malz dedicated this book to bring hope to the helpless and to offer help to the fearful, and she did so beautifully, as this is one of those books that permanently increases your faith.

This wonderful book is filled with many stories and personal accounts of the experiences that others have had with angels, including Betty herself. It is also packed full of Bible verses, encouragement, and answers many questions about the topic that the reader may have as well as practical application in Biblical context.

I found ‘Angels by My Side: Stories and Glimpses of These Heavenly Helpers’ to be a quick page-turner, but it was also one of those books that I just couldn't keep to myself. I brought it up in conversation, shared stories from it, and strongly recommend it to anyone who may have an interest in Angels in general or any of the following: When Angels Come, Protecting Angels, Rescuing Angels, Angels and Intercession, Messenger Angels, Angels and Temptation.
There are a plethora of stories and I really wish that I could share all of them here with you, but you will enjoy owning the book much more. (I liked this book so much that I am already planning to purchase it myself for my own library once my digital review copy expires.)
 This review has also been posted on ChristianBook and Goodreads.

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Contentment, Prosperity, and God's Glory by Jeremiah Burroughs

Title: Contentment, Prosperity, and God's Glory 
Author: Jeremiah Burroughs 

Book Information:
  • Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books (2013)
  • ISBN:  9781601782328
  • Page Count: 144
How did I get this book: A complimentary review copy was provided to me by Cross Focused Reviews (A Service of Cross Focused Media, LLC). I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.

Review: According to page ix of the Preface, the author of Contentment, Prosperity, and God's Glory, Jeremiah Burroughs' "heart's desire was to serve the Lord and His kingdom in as great a capacity as He would allow." Also on pages xi-xii we see, "Burroughs could not in good conscience conform to such superstitions [897 of them imposed on all ministers by the King of England]. His personal conviction was as follows, "In God's worship, there must be nothing tendered up to God but what He has commanded. Whatsoever we meddle with in the worship of God must be what we have a warrant for out of the Word of God."

The inspirational character of Jeremiah manifested in his nonconformity, cost him his license, ministry, and income. He was slandered, persecuted, and eventually forced to flee his beloved country to Holland in order to escape arrest. Yet in spite of his circumstances, Burroughs' sermons consistently remained free of complaints. Why? Because of his view of contentment, that you can learn from reading this precious book. 

Is it possible to always be content, both in need, as well as in times of prosperity and abundance? Paul said it was in Philippians 4:2, and Jeremiah Burroughs discovered the secret, too. Are you curious about the rich content found within Contentment, Prosperity, and God's Glory? As you open this book like a chest, you are sure to find the treasure contained within to enrich not only today, but also your life and your walk as well.  

About the Author: Jeremiah Burroughs (1599–1646) was a member of the Westminster Assembly and a prominent preacher among Congregationalists. Several of his works have been reprinted by Soli Deo Gloria Publications.

About the Series: Interest in the Puritans continues to grow, but many people find reading these giants of the faith a bit unnerving. The Puritan Treasures for Today Series seeks to overcome that barrier by presenting Puritan books that are convenient in size and unintimidating in length. Each book is carefully edited with modern readers in mind, smoothing out difficult language of a bygone era while retaining the meaning of the original authors. Books for the series are thoughtfully selected to provide some of the best counsel on important subjects that people continue to wrestle with today.

This review has also been posted on Amazon.

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