Prophetic Word from Louise's Mentorship Student on 06.28.18

"Sarah – I had a friend named Sarah when I was really young, a neighbor, and I don’t even remember her that well. I’ve known many Sarah’s since then, but for some reason when I read your name I thought of her. She reminds me of a child-like joy, adventure and an innocence. So I believe that is how God sees you. He loves your child-like faith, the strong trust you have in Him that does not come from being naive but actually carries with it a depth and maturity. I think this relates to innocence, that God wants to continue to release in you a freedom from the past and a returning to child-likeness. I see adventure. Like He wants to take you on an adventure, I see mountains and the outdoors, and I see you being surrounded by people you love and being able to pass on the beauty of your relationship with Jesus to those who go on this adventure with you. I see so much joy coming your way as you follow God on this adventure, whatever it looks like."

Prophetic Word from Ivan Roman's Mentorship Student on 06.15.18

"I saw a picture of a red petunia and I feel like you are blossoming right now, you are not focused on the battles you’ve fought or the time of lack but now you’re feeling the fullness of God’s love and favor." -Ashley Groter