'The School of the Seers' by Jonathan Welton

'The School of the Seers' by Jonathan Welton is a life-changing book that I purchased through Amazon this month. As someone with the gift of discernment, I longed for more information about, as well as training for my gift. However, it seems impossible to try to find a Godly Bible-based source of real information on the topic. I also didn't know the difference between a Prophet, a Seer, or the levels in which the Gift of Discernment operates. In 'The School of the Seers,' Jonathan Welton addresses all of these topics and more.

This book is Bible-based, having an abundance of scripture and examples to back everything up. It shares the revelations and visions that Jonathan and his friends have seen, as well as some wonderful experiences where he was able to ‘see’ God at work. It is not slanted or written from an ignorant bias, either, as it also addresses the main complaint of Americans with the Gift of Discernment: sensing mostly evil, and not good. In addition to this, the author not only honestly addresses it in a refreshing way, but provides an explanation as well as a solution to the problem, which has helped me in my personal life, especially my relationship with the LORD.

So what else can you expect within this literary work? Expect lessons, wisdom, and knowledge on each topic, followed by practical application, and exercises to increase your own ‘seeing’ ability at the end of each chapter. From reading this book, the level of my faith has increased drastically, and I can’t recommend it strongly enough. As believers, we should all have some level of discernment, and I believe this book will be helpful to everyone who reads it. 

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1 comment:

  1. I believe I have this book...I bought it last year when I felt led to learn more about this gift. I just recently moved and it is still packed away. I must find it this week. Thank you for sharing and encouraging the body of Christ to move forward in the things of God. Blessings! JaNeice


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