Activation #1: Seeking more intimacy with the Lord- SOAKING

By “intimacy” we mean that we are drawn into a closer relationship with Lord, giving ourselves to Him, body, soul and spirit. Through this intimacy, we are able to experience Him. He is able to show us things and teach us things in His timing.

Begin by simply setting aside 10 minutes in your day. Find a comfortable area away from activity (lie down on your bed, or sit in a comfortable chair, close your eyes). You may be in silence (this works best for me) or you may choose to put on some soft worship music.

Pray the following prayer out loud to invite His presence:

“Lord God, I love You and I seek You with all of my being. Thank You for the many blessings in my life. Thank You for the joy that comes from loving You. Draw me closer to You Lord. Keep me humble in heart! Help me to see You, hear You, to taste and smell Your goodness. Touch me in a way that establishes good communication with You. And increase the anointing in my life, so that I may have experiences of You that inspire me to inspire others, always in an effort to serve You and Your Kingdom, fulfilling the destiny You have planned for my life. You are an awesome and brilliant God! Thank You for hearing my prayer and I invite Your presence with me now. In Jesus’ name….AMEN.”

After you pray this prayer, simply do nothing. Allow the Lord to be with you. You need not pray (you’ve already done that!). There are many possibilities of what could happen next. The Lord is so creative. He will let you know He is with you. This time may be simply a feeling of rest or tranquility as He pours out His love. You may fall asleep and He may give you a dream. You may see a vision, hear His voice, sense His touch, smell a fragrance, or taste something new. No matter what happens, it is good. You are spending time with Him and this is His desire, to become more intimate with you, because He loves you SO much!

Be blessed and have fun spending this personal time with the Lord!   

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